Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Truth about Snot Sucking! (Neti Pots, Bulbs and Snotsuckers)

   All three of us have been sick... it started with my husband last week and finally got to Oliver and I this week Tuesday. I figured this is a very appropriate topic since we are dealing with these issues at the moment.

   Until you have a baby you probably don't pay much attention to snot unless you have allergies or frequent colds.  This post is covering both scenarios (babies and adults).

    Towards the end of my pregnancy I had the misfortune of having a really bad cold and flu, back to back. The crappiest part about it was not being able to take anything that could knock you on your ass to sleep. My mid wife turned me to many homeopathic and natural remedies that got me through and also got me thinking about never using some of those poisonous typical  medications out there (like NyQuil to name a popular one). However my issue with being sick typically has always been the runny nose and not being able to breathe well at night because of a friend of mine suggested using the Neti Pot? She described it to me as a little teapot with a tip that looks like a penis, that you put in your nose and flush it out. Not being one for putting things up my nose (especially something shaped like a and nasal sprays freaking me out, I had no intention of trying this Neti Pot thing...but one night out of desperation I sent my husband to Walgreens to get me this contraption. I must of watched 20 video demonstrations on Youtube that night before I got up the courage to try this thing. Once I did it I was amazed at how much snot came out...SO MUCH and I could breathe clearly. The new question was, why didn't I know about this sooner?  In case you don't have a clue what a Neti Pot is, here is a video.  It is an ancient Indian technique practiced all over the world! There is a lot of interesting history behind this technique...

The Neti Pot!
There are many styles out there. 

The Snotsucker that Sucks
because it DOES NOT suck! (You got that?)
  Ok so now let us fast forward to having Oliver. Now my mindset is geared towards "baby". Babies will eventually have snot issues and they can't blow thier nose or use the Neti Pot until much older. So, what the heck are you suppose to do for them? Well in every Baby Medical Kit they give you these "bulb nasal syringes" which couldn't suck out snot if your life dependent on it. They are useless! You might as well use them as bath toys or baste a chicken with them. Ok so if those don't work, what are you to do? Well...

    You use the most awesome invention of all time "Nosefrida the Snotsucker"! This handy dandy little device is like a snot vacuum that you control with the sucking power from your mouth! Here is the company's overview (I think it is cute):
The Snotsucker that actually SUCKS SNOT! 

  • It’s smart.
  • It’s Swedish.
  • It’s maybe a little strange.
  • It’s doctor invented & recommended.
  • It’s 100% hygienic due to the included filters (4).
  • It’s fabulously reviewed (Rachel Ray, Parenting, & more).
  • It’s a nasal aspirator that ACTUALLY WORKS!
  • It’s NoseFrida.  The Snotsucker.
It has been the best $15 I have ever spent! 

   I have had to use this a few times already, and all I have to say is that it is a great invention that works flawlessly every time. 

   All I have to do is put some saline in the baby's nose and then suck out everything with the Nosefrida. It is fool proof. However poor Oliver does not like the saline or the sucking for that matter and cries through the whole procedure. So I try to use it sparingly when really necessary.  Also as a word of advice, wash after every use immediately! If you fail to do so the snot is difficult to get out of the tube. So here is their official video! 

Good luck with the suck! 


  1. That bulb syringe actually work well, if you use it to "shoot" the warm saline up your nose, similarly to the Neti Pot, only much easier to do. You do not have to twist your head and neck at a weird angle and the saline goes deeper and with more pressure.

  2. Great post! I'm sure there are warnings all over both products, but I've always heard to make sure you always use distilled water in anything going up your nose, to avoid brain bacteria. Now that's out the way...I'm definitely intrigued by both of these products and may give them a try!

  3. The bulbs work really well for our son
